Locomi combines proven psychological principles with location-based accountability to help you build lasting habits.
Physical locations create strong environmental triggers that activate your habit loop. By linking habits to specific places, you're more likely to follow through.
Our stake-based system leverages loss aversion psychology to boost your initial motivation until the habit becomes intrinsically rewarding.
Beautiful flower badges and botanical facts create a positive reinforcement cycle, making habit-building both educational and enjoyable.
Location becomes your consistent environmental trigger
Stakes and rewards create motivation to follow through
Show up and complete your intended activity
Earn points and unlock beautiful flower badges
Choose your location, time, and stake amount. Whether it's the gym, library, or language school.
Arrive within 100m of your target location at the set time and verify your presence in the app.
Complete tasks to earn points and unlock beautiful flower badges with fascinating botanical facts.
Leverage pyschology to beat procrastination and develop habits.
Set your commitments for any time that works for you, with custom reminder notifications.
Collect stunning flower badges and learn fascinating botanical facts as you achieve your goals.
Set your own stake amount for extra motivation.
Discover how others are using Locomi to transform their habits and achieve their goals.
Set weekly check-ins at language exchange cafes or cultural centers. Use the stake as motivation to practice regularly in real-world settings.
Set a reminder to leave work on time by setting your home as the location. Use it to maintain healthy work boundaries.
Use Locomi to maintain social commitments and strengthen relationships by setting regular meetup locations.
Set goals to visit new museums, galleries, or cultural sites regularly. Perfect for both tourists and locals wanting to explore their city.
Locomi uses your device's GPS to verify your location within a 100-meter radius of your target location, providing flexibility while maintaining accountability.
If you're unable to reach your designated location at the set time, your stake amount will be deducted. We recommend starting with smaller stakes as you build your habit.
You earn points for each successful check-in, which can be used to unlock various flower badges. Each badge comes with unique botanical facts and varies in rarity.
Yes, all payment information is encrypted and processed through secure payment providers. We never store your actual payment details on our servers.